that made me lagh but I don't know why, alright music too make a sequal please!
that made me lagh but I don't know why, alright music too make a sequal please!
i think i will, i'll use thriller liek the guy after sugested
watch out for it at halloween.
I liked the end the most the sound and the graphics were alright and it ran smoothly but it was rushed. -teh edn of the reveiw
I liked your review, but it could be longer.
-teh edn of the reveiw of the reveiw
I applaud you for this randomness but is it me or is ghostmas and older ones better please make it even more origional next time it just seems like they're getting less funny, my favorite episode was #9. it ran rather smoothly and had good graphics but has again lost some humor since 7 (P.S. what happened to tongs?) 8/10 for loos of intrest and humor. sorry if I sounded like an ass.
You noticed the "lack" of Tongs, first review I've noticed to bring that up. Actually, in this episode we are introduced to Tongs' dark brother: Clamps. And yes, Blockhead loves Tongs but despises Clamps. It is the natural course of the universe.
my ears are bleeding a little..........................this needs to have a story
this fits more under the genre of avant-garde. it has no plot to present.
that was funny graphics humor and smoothness were great! loved it
I liked it but you could work on the graphics besides that it was great
my next flash will be much better, graphically, atleast.
the best thing about this movie was the truffle one it needs more work
i know it needs more work but we dont want to do anymore work than this, too bad
pretty good
liked the end and rafattack, this doesen't spoil the end.
i'm glad u liked the end!
got shrooms?
Leigh High
San Jose
Joined on 7/24/07